![]() Respiratory and cardiovascular complications are the main causes of disease and death in people with chronic spinal cord injury. After injury, the nerves that supply the lungs, blood vessels, and muscles of breathing are damaged. Causing difficulty in breathing, ineffective coughing, and poor regulation of blood pressure. These factors make people with a spinal cord injury highly susceptible to respiratory infection and other health related issues. Our research has shown that a respiratory training program using a Respiratory Training Device can improve respiratory and cardiovascular health. Respiratory training is an exercise for spinal cord cells, nerves, respiratory muscles, blood vessels, and lungs. The Respiratory Training Device is designed for in-home use for those more susceptible to respiratory disease and infection, including people with spinal cord injury, which can lead to more serious, long-term health complications. It is used to improve and maintain your respiratory health.
~ Respiratory Training Device user
Information from the Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center’s faculty on using this device in their research, along with an introductory video, can be accessed below: |
Obtain a DeviceUse the button below to purchase your Respiratory Training Device – you will be sent to the Power NeuroRecovery website to make your purchase. Activity-based Recovery NeuroMuscular Electrical Community Fitness and UofL Health Movement Performance and Locomotor Recovery Clinic NeuroRecovery Network Publications