Kessler Foundation strives to improve the lives of people with physical and cognitive disabilities caused by stroke, multiple sclerosis, brain and spinal cord injury, and other chronic neurologic and musculoskeletal conditions. |
From its beginnings a half-century ago, Stony Brook University has been characterized by innovation, energy and progress, transforming the lives of people who earn degrees, work and make groundbreaking discoveries here. |
The mission of the California Institute of Technology is to expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education. We investigate the most challenging, fundamental problems in science and technology in a singularly
collegial, interdisciplinary atmosphere, while educating students. |
UCLA’s primary purpose as a public research university is the creation, dissemination, preservation and application of knowledge for the betterment of our global society. To fulfill this mission, UCLA is committed to academic freedom in its fullest terms. |
For more than 250 years, Columbia has been a leader in higher education in the nation and around the world. At the core of our wide range of academic inquiry is the commitment to attract and engage the best minds in pursuit of greater human understanding, pioneering new discoveries, and service to society. |
At the University of Florida, we are a people of purpose. We’re committed to challenging convention and ourselves. We see things not as they are, but as they could be. And we strive for a greater impact: one measured in people helped and lives improved. |
UB’s thinking, research, creative activity and people are helping ADVANCE AND INFORM SOCIETY. Our work leads to new cures, stronger materials, healthier populations and thousands of other improvements. |
The mission of the Spinal Cord Damage Research Center is to improve quality of life and increase longevity by identifying, intervening, and/or preventing the secondary medical consequences of individuals with a spinal cord injury. |
The mission of the Center is to: discover, translate and develop pharmacological, gene therapy or cellular treatments to minimize damage, promote repair mechanisms and enhance regeneration and remyelination following spinal cord or brain injury. |
Who We Are
Where We Are
KSCIRC Translational Researchers
KSCIRC Translational
Research Faculty
KSCIRC Translational
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